Thursday, May 9, 2013

24 weeks of kayaking: the Pemaquid Paddlers schedule

From the supremely organized & generous John Will of Pemaquid Paddlers:

All trips will leave the put-in point at 9:00 A.M. and will last 2-3 hours. The trips are easy to moderate in difficulty. Participants must provide their own canoe or kayak and wear a life jacket. All trips are free and open to the public and will be held rain or shine. 

Tuesday, May 21: Duck Puddle Pond. Put-in is off of Bremen Road (a.k.a. Nobleboro Rd.) at the outlet of Duck Puddle Pond. From Damariscotta take Route 1 north, 4.7 miles and turn right onto Winslow Hill Road, travel 0.2 miles to Duckpuddle Road and then travel 1.2 miles to Bremen Road, after going 0.3 miles there is a small parking lot on the right or you can park along the side of the road. From Bremen, access Nobleboro Rd., opposite the Bremen Town Offices and library on Route 32 and travel 3.4 miles to the put-in site.

Tuesday, May 28: Damariscotta River. The put-in is at the Damariscotta Town Landing off of the municipal parking lot in downtown Damariscotta.

Tuesday, June 4: Boothbay Harbor area. We will put-in at the Knickercane put-in site. Take Route 27 south from Route 1 towards Boothbay for 9.6 miles to the monument in Boothbay, turn right. Go to the 4-way stop and go straight, where the road comes to a "Y" go to the right. You can also follow the signs to the Botanical Gardens and just continue past it until you come to a bridge. Just after crossing the bridge the parking lot is on your left. We will paddle the Back River.

Tuesday, June 11: Medomak River, Waldoboro Town Landing. The put-in point is on the western side of the river, across from downtown Waldoboro. The put-in site can be reached from Route 32 or Route 1 by Maine Street in Waldoboro to Pine Street to the town landing.

Tuesday, June 18: Seven Tree Pond. To reach the put-in site, take Route 1 north past Waldoboro to Route 235 (Union Road). Travel 8.3 miles from Route 1, the public boat launch is on your right just after crossing a bridge. Bring a picnic lunch for after the paddle.

Tuesday, June 25: Biscay Pond to Pemaquid Pond. Put-in is at Biscay Beach off of Biscay Road. Take Biscay Road at the Damariscotta traffic light, by McDonald’s, the beach is on the right when you see the pond. We will soon leave Biscay Pond and travel under the bridge and into the connecting stream and into Pemaquid Pond and paddle north into the pond.

Tuesday, July 2: Boothbay Harbor area. We will put-in at Knickercane and soon paddle through a culvert and out into the Sheepscot River. See June 4 for directions to the put-in site.

Tuesday, July 9: Pemaquid River from Bristol Mills to Biscay Pond. Put-in is at the Bristol Mills boat launch on Route 130 (Bristol Road), approximately 5.5 miles south of Damariscotta.

Tuesday, July 16: Sheepscot River and the east side of Westport Island. Put-in is the Wiscasset Town Landing at the end of Water Street.

Tuesday, July 23: Johns Bay and the West Branch of the Johns River. Put-in at the Colonial Pemaquid boat launch. From Damariscotta, take Route 130 (Bristol Rd), approximately 11 miles, turn right onto Huddle Road. Follow Huddle Rd. until it ends, turn right and follow the signs to the Colonial Pemaquid boat launch site, past the fort and down the hill.

Tuesday, July 30: Damariscotta Lake. Put-in is at the public boat launch off of Route 213, two miles from the intersection of Route 213 and 215. We will paddle to the right towards the fish ladder in Damariscotta Mills.

Tuesday, August 6: Broad Cove. Put-in is at the end of Storer Road, Bremen, off of Route 32, 3.4 miles north of Biscay Rd or 0.3 miles north of Turner Road or 0.2 miles south of the Bremen Town Offices. The street sign is hard to see coming from the town offices, on the corner of Storer Rd. there is a house with a fence along Route 32.

Tuesday, August 13: Damariscotta Lake. See July 30 for directions to the put-in site. On this paddle we will paddle to the left of the put-in site, towards the center of the lake.

Tuesday, August 20: Boothbay Harbor area. See June 4 for driving directions to the put-in site. On this trip we will paddle onto the Sheepscot River and around the Isle of Springs. Bring a picnic lunch for after the paddle.

Tuesday, August 27: Pemaquid Pond. We will paddle the northern end of the pond. The put-in is the Nobleboro Boat Launch which is off of Route 1, 4.2 miles north of Damariscotta. Look for the ballfield along Route 1.

Tuesday, September 3: Muscongus Bay. We will paddle towards Waldoboro. Put-in is off of Dutch Neck Rd. Take Route 32 to Dutch Neck Road, travel 2.8 miles. Look for a weathered wooden sign, about 6 feet off the ground on the left which reads "Boat Landing". Turn left and go 0.2 miles to the parking area.

Tuesday, September 10: Seven Tree Pond and into Road Pond and up the stream behind the union Fair Grounds. See June 18 for driving directions to the put-in site. Bring a picnic lunch for after the paddle.

Tuesday, September 17: Sheepscot River, we will paddle up the river under the Route 1 bridge and continue up past the railroad bridge. See July 16 for driving directions to the put-in site.

Tuesday, September 24: Clary Lake. Put-in, from Newcastle, take Route 215 north for 14.3 miles, shortly after passing Route 126 you will see the state public put-in site on your left. We will paddle to the old mill at the far end of the lake.

Tuesday, October 1: St George River, Thomaston. At the traffic light in Thomaston, turn right on Knox Rd., if you are coming from the south and if you are coming from the north turn left at the light. Go 0.5 miles, when you reach the Lymon-Morse shipyard (do not go in to the shipyard) angle to the right on the paved road for about 25 yards. You will soon see the state put-in on your left. Bring a picnic lunch for after the paddle.

Tuesday, October 8: Damariscotta Lake, Vannah Rd. To reach the put-in site, take Route 1 north from Damariscotta to Vannah Rd., which is at the intersection by the fire station and power sports store. Travel 1.1 miles to the put-in site, located after the railroad tracks. Park along the side of the road, the ramp is near the center of the causeway.

Tuesday, October 15: Muscongus Bay. See September 3 for driving directions. On this trip we will paddle down the bay towards Broad Cove.

Tuesday, October 22: Biscay Pond. See June 25 for driving directions. On this trip we will stay on the pond and paddle to where the Pemaquid River starts.

Tuesday, October 29: Round Pond Harbor and Muscongus Bay. Take Route 32 to Round Pond and follow the signs in the center of town to the public landing. There is a $2.00 put-in fee.

John F. Will
22 Fieldcrest Lane
Pemaquid ME  04558-4215
(207) 677-6380

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