Dusting off the blog after 6 years. Went for a short hike yesterday in Boothbay and was horrified at how out of shape I've become thanks to Covid seclusion, knee injury, politics, and illness. Gotta start small, but must start somewhere. Today, maybe just a walk on Pemaquid beach.
Here are some trails to pick from for next week. Highlighted trails are less frequented. These are just the ones maintained by or partnered with Coastal Rivers.
Pemaquid Pond Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
McCurdy Islands Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Bass Rock Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Cosima’s Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Crooked Farm (Coastal Rivers)
Bearce Allen and *NORGAL Preserves (Coastal Rivers Owned and Coastal Rivers Public Access Easement)
Hatchtown Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
La Verna Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Little Falls Brook Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Miller-Clemons Preserve
Moxie Cove Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
*Old Gravel Pit Trail (Coastal Rivers Public Access Easement)
Salt Marsh Cove (Coastal Rivers)
Chapman Oyster Creek (Coastal Rivers)
Doyle Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Huston Landing 1740 (Coastal Rivers)
Paradise Pond (Coastal Rivers)
Round Top Farm (Coastal Rivers)
Salt Bay Farm (Coastal Rivers)
*Whaleback Shell Midden State Historic Site (MDACF)
Ripley Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Rocky Ridge Preserve (Coastal Rivers) – Accessed via the River~Link Trail.
Baker Forest (Coastal Rivers)
Carolyn O’Brien Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Davidson Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
*Dodge Point (MDACF)
Marsh River Bog (Coastal Rivers)
Mills Overlook (Coastal Rivers)
Salt Bay Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
*Sherman Marsh Wildlife Management Area (MDIFW)
South Bristol
Library Park (Coastal Rivers)
Plummer Point (Coastal Rivers)
Rutherford Island Preserve (Coastal Rivers)
Seal Cove Shore (Coastal Rivers)
*Tracy Shore (Town of South Bristol)
*Walpole Woods (Town of South Bristol)
Osborn Finch Wildlife Sanctuary (Coastal Rivers)